Educator Resources — ATu
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 Educator Resources

Complimentary faculty resources developed by our education team to enhance teaching & learning.


Supercharge your classroom with ATu



Get access to short app video tutorials Learn more


Add videos to your lectures/handouts Learn more


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For more information, please book a time with our ATu Education Lead, Dr. Chris Schmidt to learn how this growing list of adopted schools is enhancing teaching and learning!

Teaching content

The worksheets and lab handouts below are available in the web app under the Teaching Content section. Please log in to your account to access the content.


  • Orthopaedics Worksheet

  • Surface Anatomy Palpation Worksheets

Lab Handouts

  • Assistive Devices /Ambulation

  • Cardiopulmonary

  • NeuroExam

  • Physical Agents

  • PNF

  • ROM, MMT, and Surface Anatomy Palpation


Classroom Implementation with ATu

The ATu faculty team is excited to present this classroom implementation series to help educators optimize their use of the ATu suite of educational apps and simulations. Each short video will be a quick pearl to illustrate a way to implement the ATu apps into your classroom, lab, and clinic.


Flipping the Lab

This web short will be focused on how to optimize your laboratory time using ATu's high-quality psychomotor skill demonstrations for pre-briefing.


Fostering Clinical Reasoning using Orthopedic App

This web short will be focused on how to foster clinical reasoning using the orthopedics application to bridge the gap between the evaluation process to the treatment of an orthopedic injury.


Putting The Pieces Together Using ATU

This web short will be focused on how to put all the pieces together using a shared case study across ATu Applications. This will allow students to think through the entire evaluation and treatment process.


Making EBP Approachable

This web short will be focused on how to use the ATu applications to make integrating EBP into clinical discussions seamless. This allows students to engage deeply with their clinical preceptors on how they use evidence to drive clinical practice, and reinforce when and why you may choose certain tests.