After a long hard year, the ATU team salutes all faculty for going above and beyond to keep learning going! As a special gift from ATU, we spent all year dreaming about clinical reasoning development using simulations. Throughout 2021, the team worked closely with faculty to develop clinical scenarios that will enhance clinical reasoning development in a low risk, asynchronous and formative way!
Each evidence-based simulation contains “Educator specific information” and a “Simulation Key.” These simulations are designed around addressing CAATE standards: 70,72,78
Emergency Care Simulations
On-Field Care Simulations
A special shout out to the amazing faculty who contributed to this work:
Matt Mills- ATU program expert, Assistant Professor of Athletic Training, Springfield College
Paul Geisler- Simmons University (Former Director Ithaca College Athletic Training Program)
Jaclyn Schwieterman- Director and Chair, Athletic Training and Sports Medicine Program, Marietta College
David Marchetti- Athletic Trainer and Clinical Professor, King’s College
William Adams- Assistant Professor, Department of Kinesiology, University of North Carolina
Timothy Kulpa- Clinical education director and Clinical Professor, King’s College
Nicholas Tavoukjian, Certified Athletic Trainer, Ph.D. candidate, Azusa Pacific University
Wishing you a great new year of teaching and learning!
Your Partner in Education,
The ATU Team