Posts in Faculty webinar
Teaching Therapeutic Modalities for Athletic Training Clinical Practice

Join ATu education lead, Christopher Schmidt, PhD, ATC, for a one-hour session on using the Physical Agents and Physical Agents Simulations apps to enhance your teaching and improve student outcomes.

Webinar Series: Every Friday at 10 Am PST

00:00 Chris Schmidt Introduction

05:27 Webinar Overview

07:28 How to navigate the ATu suites

10:21 Why ATu?13:41Common Challenges

19:35 Physical Agents app

24:26 Pyramid of Clinical Competence

41:00 Physical Agents Simulations

52:32 Aplicability & Value of ATu for AT Curriculum Design

54:53 Questions/Ideas/Comments

learn more about how atu ENHANCES student learning

  • Schedule an app demo with Dr. Chris Schmidt

  • Join our weekly live faculty webinars

  • If you are ready to adopt, explore the suitable purchase options for your school!

Panel discussion: The Future of Athletic Training Education: Innovation through ATu

Join ATu education lead, Christopher Schmidt, PhD, ATC, and an invited panel of ATu faculty users for an engaging and interactive one-hour collaborative discussion on using the ATu suite of apps to support students across the entire athletic training curriculum.

  • 00:00 Chris Schmidt Introduction

  • 02:50 Panel Discussion Overview

  • 05:37 Today's Faculty Panel

  • 08:50 Paul Geisler

  • 22:28 Matt Mills

  • 26:00 Ryan Krzyzanowicz

  • 41:38 Christopher Viesselman

  • 48:14 Open Discussion/Q&A

learn more about how atu ENHANCES student learning

  • Schedule an app demo with Dr. Chris Schmidt

  • Join our weekly live faculty webinars

  • If you are ready to adopt, explore the suitable purchase options for your school!

Developing Clinical Reasoning with The MSK Decision Tree App

Join ATu education lead, Christopher Schmidt, PhD, ATC, for a one-hour session on using the newly released MSK Decision Tree app to develop students’ clinical reasoning ability to effectively manage patients with orthopaedic conditions.

Webinar Series: Every Friday at 10 Am PST

00:00 Chris Schmidt Introduction

03:50 Webinar Review

06:06 Why ATu?

09:32 Clinical Reasoning: From Novice to Expert

20:54 How are great clinical minds intentionally crafted?

23:19 ATu Clinical Reasoning Development

31:40 MSK Decision Tree

50:45 Questions/Comments/Ideas

learn more about how atu ENHANCES student learning

  • Schedule an app demo with Dr. Chris Schmidt

  • Join our weekly live faculty webinars

  • If you are ready to adopt, explore the suitable purchase options for your school!

Examination, Diagnosis, and Intervention: Teaching with the Orthopaedics, Special Tests & Simulations Apps

Join ATu education lead, Christopher Schmidt, PhD, ATC, for a one-hour session on using the Orthopaedics and Special Tests apps with corresponding e-learning simulations to enhance your teaching and improve student outcomes.

Webinar Series: Every Friday at 10 Am PST

00:00 Chris Schmidt Introduction

03:30 Webinar Overview

04:58 Why ATu?

18:16 Educator Access

19:13 Orthopaedics App

46:10 Special Tests App

47:15 Orthopaedics Simulations

54:40 Questions/Comments/Ideas

learn more about how atu ENHANCES student learning

  • Schedule an app demo with Dr. Chris Schmidt

  • Join our weekly live faculty webinars

  • If you are ready to adopt, explore the suitable purchase options for your school!

New App Tutorial: Diagnostic Imaging Simulation

Join ATu education lead, Christopher Schmidt, PhD, ATC for a one-hour exploration of the newest addition to the ATu suite – Diagnostic Imaging Simulations! Learn to deploy these realistic patient-based simulations to augment learning and encourage continued skill-building in the use and interpretation of diagnostic imaging.

Webinar Series: Every Friday at 10 Am PST

00:00 Chris Schmidt Introduction

06:16 How are you currently approaching diagnostic imaging in your class?

11:25 Why ATu?

18:37 Diagnostic Imaging Simulations

39:45 ATu Pyramid of Clinical Competence

47:00 Sneak Peek: Diagnostic Imaging MicroLearning

57:27 Questions/Comments/Ideas?

learn more about how atu ENHANCES student learning

  • Schedule an app demo with Dr. Chris Schmidt

  • Join our weekly live faculty webinars

  • If you are ready to adopt, explore the suitable purchase options for your school!

Designing Post-Op Patient Care Plans: Common Surgical Techniques and Rehab Protocols

The new Post-Op app has been designed as a helpful guide to common musculoskeletal surgical conditions including an overview of the surgical technique, answers to common patient questions, and an in-depth, evidence-based, rehabilitation protocol. Join ATu education lead, Christopher Schmidt, PhD, ATC for a one-hour exploration of the newest addition to the ATu suite of apps.

Webinar Series: Every Friday at 10 Am PST

00:00 Chris Schmidt Introduction

04:41 Patient/Client Care Standards

13:10 Caring for the Post-Op Patient

18:00 ATu: 30 content and e-learning simulation application

21:20 Post-Op App

45:45 How could the Post-Op app be used in class?

53:00 Questions/Ideas/Comments

learn more about how atu ENHANCES student learning

  • Schedule an app demo with Dr. Chris Schmidt

  • Join our weekly live faculty webinars

  • If you are ready to adopt, explore the suitable purchase options for your school!

Non-Orthopaedic/General Medical Techniques and Procedures

Join ATu education lead, Christopher Schmidt, PhD, ATC, for a 1-hour session on using the ATu suite of apps to enhance teaching and learning across the athletic training curriculum.

Webinar Series: Every Friday at 10 Am PST

00:00 Chris Schmidt Introduction

05:16 Other names for Non-Orthopaedic/Geberal Medical Techniques and Procedures

15:30 Inside the ATu Suites

20:05 How to get free educator access to ATu

21:00 Inside the ATu Apps - Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation

27:30 Lines and Tubes app

30:00 Acute Care Interactive Review Simulations

37:00 Medical Screening

37:55 Inside the MSK Decision Tree App

43:50 Key Clinical Patterns

46:10 Medical Screening App

1:00:00 Faculty Feedback

1:04:00 Scaffolding

learn more about how atu ENHANCES student learning

  • Schedule an app demo with Dr. Chris Schmidt

  • Join our weekly live faculty webinars

  • If you are ready to adopt, explore the suitable purchase options for your school!

Recruiting and Retaining Students through Innovative Teaching and Learning Technology

Join ATu education lead, Christopher Schmidt, PhD, ATC, for a 1-hour session on using the ATu suite of apps to enhance teaching and learning across the athletic training curriculum.

Webinar Series: Every Friday at 10 Am PST

00:00 Chris Schmidt Introduction

06:08 Modern Faculty - Our Shared Challenges

17:13 The Graduate Student Funnel

18:07 Why ATu?

31:30 Exploring ATu!

39:11 Key Academic Drivers

43:38 Simulations

50:01 Student Retention

55:00 Apps Just Released

learn more about how atu ENHANCES student learning

  • Schedule an app demo with Dr. Chris Schmidt

  • Join our weekly live faculty webinars

  • If you are ready to adopt, explore the suitable purchase options for your school!

Adult and Pediatric Gait: Assessing Function and Incorporating Interventions

Join ATu education lead, Christopher Schmidt, PhD, ATC, for a 1-hour session on using the ATu suite of apps to enhance teaching and learning across the athletic training curriculum.

Webinar Series: Every Friday at 10 Am PST

00:00 Chris Schmidt Introduction

04:12 About ATu08:41Gait App

44:35 Key Academic Drivers for the post pandemic classroom

44:50 Why ATU?46:40Just Released!

48:10 Student Rates

52:28 Next Weeks Webinar: Recruiting and Retaining Students through Innovative Teaching and Learning Technology

55:58 How to get Faculty Access

learn more about how atu ENHANCES student learning

  • Schedule an app demo with Dr. Chris Schmidt

  • Join our weekly live faculty webinars

  • If you are ready to adopt, explore the suitable purchase options for your school!

Innovative Teaching and Learning with Technology

Join ATu education lead, Christopher Schmidt, PhD, ATC, for a 1-hour session on using the ATu suite of apps to enhance teaching and learning across the athletic training curriculum.

Webinar Series: Every Friday at 10 Am PST

00:00 Chris Schmidt Introduction

05:40 How innovative are we today?

21:35 ATu: 28 content and e-learning simulation application

29:43 Innovative Teaching with ATu

37:29 Simulations

44:40 Learning with ATu

50:35 Why ATu?

53:42 Just Released! Jan 2023 and Upcoming Release! Spring 2023

54:54 Next Faculty Webinar

learn more about how atu ENHANCES student learning

  • Schedule an app demo with Dr. Chris Schmidt

  • Join our weekly live faculty webinars

  • If you are ready to adopt, explore the suitable purchase options for your school!

Exercise Patterns: Designing Therapeutic and Corrective Exercise Patient Care Plans

Join ATu education lead, Christopher Schmidt, PhD, ATC, for a 1-hour session on using the ATu suite of apps to enhance teaching and learning across the athletic training curriculum.

Webinar Series: Every Friday at 10 Am PST

00:00 Chris Schmidt Introduction

04:20 ATu Revolutionizing Classrooms

14:44 Exercise Patterns app

24:00 Creating Templates

39:00 Using ATu to support your classroom

40:00 Templates

50:30 Why ATu?57:00Want to learn more? Lets chat!

learn more about how atu ENHANCES student learning

  • Schedule an app demo with Dr. Chris Schmidt

  • Join our weekly live faculty webinars

  • If you are ready to adopt, explore the suitable purchase options for your school!

Supporting Athletic Training Faculty Viability and Sustainability

Join ATu education lead, Christopher Schmidt, PhD, ATC, for a 1-hour session on using the ATu suite of apps to enhance teaching and learning across the athletic training curriculum.

Summer Webinar Series: Every Friday at 12pm PST

00:00 Chris Schmidt Education Lead Introduction

01:50 Happy 2023 - Our shared challenges

08:20 Why ATu?

14:15 Inside the app suites

17:35 ROM, MMT app

25:30 Simulations

36:00 Value of ATu

37:40 Using ATu to support your Viability and Sustainability

41:00 Upcoming Webapp New Products

learn more about how atu ENHANCES student learning

  • Schedule an app demo with Dr. Chris Schmidt

  • Join our weekly live faculty webinars

  • If you are ready to adopt, explore the suitable purchase options for your school!

Are our students ready to effectively manage acute, life-threatening, and emergent conditions?

Join ATu education lead, Christopher Schmidt, PhD, ATC, for a 1-hour session on using the ATu suite of apps to enhance teaching and learning across the athletic training curriculum.

Summer Webinar Series: Every Friday at 12pm PST

00:00 Chris Schmidt Education Lead Introduction

02:25 What is ATu?

05:44 Matt Mills & Lynette Carlson Introduction

06:11 Acute, Life-threatening and Emergent Conditions - Standard 70

08:25 Emergency Care app

26:27 Emergency Care Simulations

44:44 Why ATu?

learn more about how atu ENHANCES student learning

  • Schedule an app demo with Dr. Chris Schmidt

  • Join our weekly live faculty webinars

  • If you are ready to adopt, explore the suitable purchase options for your school!

What are the best practices for developing students’ clinical reasoning ability?

Join ATu education lead, Christopher Schmidt, PhD, ATC, for a 45-minute session on using the ATu suite of apps to enhance teaching and learning across the athletic training curriculum.

Summer Webinar Series: Every Friday at 12pm PST

00:00 Chris Schmidt Education Lead Introduction

02:50 Why ATu?

15:40 Clinical Reasoning Development

20:20 ROM/MMT Simulations

36:51 On-Field Care Simulations

50:00 Next Webinar

learn more about how atu ENHANCES student learning

  • Schedule an app demo with Dr. Chris Schmidt

  • Join our weekly live faculty webinars

  • If you are ready to adopt, explore the suitable purchase options for your school!

Are our students competent in using all the tools in their therapeutic toolbox?

Join ATu education lead, Christopher Schmidt, PhD, ATC, for a 45-minute session on using the ATu suite of apps to enhance teaching and learning across the athletic training curriculum.

Summer Webinar Series: Every Friday at 12pm PST

00:00 Chris Schmidt Education Lead Introduction

02:19 Who's who?

03:35 What is ATu?

14:18 Physical Agents App

29:55 Graded Exposure for Motor Skill Development with ATu?

33:01 Physical Agents App

37:27 Educator Resources

43:28 Physical Agents Simulations

54:08 Applicability & Value

learn more about how atu ENHANCES student learning

  • Schedule an app demo with Dr. Chris Schmidt

  • Join our weekly live faculty webinars

  • If you are ready to adopt, explore the suitable purchase options for your school!

How can we enhance students’ ability to examine, diagnose, and provide therapeutic interventions?

Join ATu education lead, Christopher Schmidt, PhD, ATC, for a 45-minute session on using the ATu suite of apps to enhance teaching and learning across the athletic training curriculum.

Summer Webinar Series: Every Friday at 12pm PST

00:00 Chris Schmidt Education Lead Introduction

03:00 What is ATu?17:27Orthopaedics App

44:02 Orthopaedics Simulations

51:22 Educator Resources/Faculty access

52:00 Educator Worksheets

55:00 Applicability to ATu Curriculum Design

learn more about how atu ENHANCES student learning

  • Schedule an app demo with Dr. Chris Schmidt

  • Join our weekly live faculty webinars

  • If you are ready to adopt, explore the suitable purchase options for your school!

How can we exhibit compliance with the accreditation standards using ATu?

Join ATu education lead, Christopher Schmidt, PhD, ATC, for a 45-minute session on using the ATu suite of apps to enhance teaching and learning across the athletic training curriculum.

Summer Webinar Series: Every Friday at 12pm PST

00:00 Chris Schmidt Education Lead Introduction

01:24 James Syms Introduction

02:42 ATu contributers

03:30 Professional Disclosures

05:10 What is ATu?

10:22 Curriculum Design in Athletic Training

24:45 Operational Standards

29:40 Simulations

36:57 Operational Standards for Simulations

42:51 How ATu supports the CAATE Standards

49:25 Using ATu to supercharge your classroom

51:14 Educator Resources

learn more about how atu ENHANCES student learning

  • Schedule an app demo with Dr. Chris Schmidt

  • Join our weekly live faculty webinars

  • If you are ready to adopt, explore the suitable purchase options for your school!

Back to basics: Interactive learning to enhance students’ fundamental examination skills

Join ATu education lead, Christopher Schmidt, PhD, ATC, for a 45-minute session on using the ATu suite of apps to enhance teaching and learning across the athletic training curriculum.

Summer Webinar Series: Every Friday at 12pm PST

00:00 Chris Schmidt Education Lead Introduction

01:11 James Syms Introduction

04:19 What is ATu?

15:50 Surface Anatomy Palpation App

26:20 Educator Resources/Worksheets

29:29 ROM, MMT, and Palpation App

37:45 Lab Handouts

41:56 Simulations

56:04 Applicability for Contemporary AT Curriculum Design

learn more about how atu ENHANCES student learning

  • Schedule an app demo with Dr. Chris Schmidt

  • Join our weekly live faculty webinars

  • If you are ready to adopt, explore the suitable purchase options for your school!

ATu 101: Are we ready to supercharge the semester?

Join ATu education lead, Christopher Schmidt, PhD, ATC, for a 45-minute session on using the ATu suite of apps to enhance teaching and learning across the athletic training curriculum.

Summer Webinar Series: Every Friday at 12pm PST

00:00 Chris Schmidt Education Lead Introduction

03:00 What is ATu?

18:25 ATu Suite

22:30 Special Tests App

39:19 Using ATu in the classroom

46:53 Simulations

57:21 Lab Handouts

01:04:49 Student Rates

01:06:51 Want to learn more? Let's chat!

learn more about how atu ENHANCES student learning

  • Schedule an app demo with Dr. Chris Schmidt

  • Join our weekly live faculty webinars

  • If you are ready to adopt, explore the suitable purchase options for your school!

NeuroRehab update: Many improvements for better organization, search & usability

Hi Everyone, It’s Mike from ATu,

We are excited to announce a big new update to the NeuroRehab app, authored by Dr. Sara Kraft and created in Partnership with the Medical University of South Carolina.

In this new update, all intervention videos have been carefully reorganized by impairments or functional movements to improve searchability while improving usability in the clinic and the classroom.

A full examination of a neuro patient has been converted into an interactive learning experience, guiding students and new clinicians through the thought process of an expert during the evaluation session. This experience includes formative feedback and interactive quizzing to help develop clinical reasoning. These e-learning modules allow for score reporting and tracking of time spent in each module

Case studies built on clinic-based patient videos have been created to enhance clinical reasoning development and to create opportunities to engage students in context-rich learning environments. These cases include clients in the following categories:

  • Stroke

  • Spinal cord injury

  • Traumatic brain injury

  • Parkinson’s disease

  • Wheelchair- Evaluation and intervention

The NeuroRehab app also includes a centralized hub for available online resources and websites to facilitate clinician and student access to enhance evidence-based clinical practice.

The next generation of learning in Neurological Rehabilitation. Brought to you by the team at ATu!